About me

I'm a huge lover of all things art I have a real passion for portraiture drawing and I also like photography. I have been enjoying art since I was a kiddy wink I used to love making strange things and mixing colours to see what I could create.

I chose art as one of my school GCSEs and chose the topic of animal cruelty as my main subject. Throughout the project ran smoothly but on my exam day you might say I was tried and tested. During my exam I ended up changing my entire outcome to something completely different it was a big panic and really tested my creativity and patience. I remember thinking I'm going to fail all I could imagine my outcome being was the letter F (fail). I had put a lot of effort in my book work and research and to have to think of a different final piece during my exam made me into a frantic girl with a paintbrush.
However I stayed did my best to stay calm and tried to figure out new on the spot ideas and textures that would work in the end my piece turned out better than expected and than my original set out intention.

From then on I haven't looked back I did a 2 year art course at college which was one of the most intense things I gave ever done and if I'm honest wouldn't want to do again.
The deadlines and hard dedication I put into my work made me realise just how hard and how much research and planning plus book work you gave to create to achieve a good outcome and piece of art.

It was by far a calm ride on my second year of my course I started to become quite unwell. Throughout my life I've always been quite shy and very quiet when meeting new people. I never once used to tell people I felt nervous doing day to day tasks. It was hard to explain to people that I panicked when I would have to go to a till and pay for something or go to the corner shop. Things like this would make my heart beat fast and I'd break out into a sweat. During my course I was working 24/7 I'd be working on my days off of college after college to try to complete my deadlines. With the constant work and the huge campus my college was on I began to struggle. I was completely out of my comfort zone being around 12,000 other students a day it became more of a struggle as time went on. I started to lose weight and become more and more anxious and nervous at going to college, I'd started having reoccurring panic attacks. I was freaking out and getting scared at everything. I realised I had to seek help. I told the people around me how I felt and I seemed doctors advice. I had anxiety.

I from then on did my 2nd year in college from home achieving what I never thought was possible
I have grown so much more in confidence now that people understand and since then I've been able to say YES to things. Instead of staying in the shadows and hiding away I'm gradually doing what I want. This is all thanks to the wonderful people around me particularly my parents who have helped me along the way. The easiest thing for anyone to do is talk to someone. Im lucky enough to have understanding and supporting parents so I cant thank them enough.

In the past year I've grown so much as a person I've gotten really into drawing and photography and I'm hoping I can become a photographer one day.


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